

STATUS: ONLine :-)

Now Playing: (refresh)

...or listen directly through your media player of choice.

"How can I request music?"

Well, there are five methods...

  1. Give a track/artist name on the chatbox
  2. Hit me up on Discord (username: idiotic.sniper -- NO calls, TEXT ONLY!)
  3. Call up my prepaid: +56 9 7833 9352 (directly over the phone ONLY)
  4. ...Or send SMS to the prepaid.
  5. Email me at

"What happened to the 2nd monitor live feed?"

My tripod is broken, and the propietary camera drivers would cause my computer to bluescreen. For now, there will be an info box here.

"I wanna advertise/make an ident!"

Send me an advertisement/ident audio file on any of the contact methods (except phone) I put up there and I'll play it occassionally between songs. This is free advertisement, by the way.

Made by IdioticSniper, 2024-2024, record labels be damned!